
Java version

This is a homepage of Java version of gar2rnx program.
You can download it here.

Basically speaking, gar2rnx is suite of programs converting inexpensive, simple Garmin GPS receiver into powerful GPS raw data logger, offering submeter accuracy.

Original version of gar2rnx was developed by Antonio Tabernero Galan. He discovered how to make Garmin GPS receiver sending raw GPS data, deciphered it and made a program converting it to standard RINEX format.
Click here to read more about it and to download original, non-Java gar2rnx suite.

Antonio's software works ok, but it's an executable for Windows and Linux. So, you need a PC computer in terrain during GPS survey. And that's a problem because notebook computers are not very usable when used outdoor. I thought it would be good to have the same capabilities on my palmtop computer, but I didn't want to be bound to one specific type, so I decided to port gar2rnx software to Java language. That way it could be possible to use gar2rnx / Java on almost everything: from Unix workstation to smart cellular phone (like Nokia 9210). And, of course, on palmtop.

gar2rnx / Java is free (under GPL license)

Download page